Sunday, December 29, 2013

Put Down the Donut and Pick up those Running Shoes!!

Today I picked up a copy of Runner's World magazine and decided I am going to start training for a marathon or at least improve my run time.  I have been a physically active person for about 6 years now and I am always looking for new forms of motivation to keep me moving.  Sometimes doing the same old exercises in my local gym can be boring and repetitive.  I think most people can relate to this.  I know that this will definitely be a challenge for me, seeing as how I have no idea what to even expect.  Hell, I am not even sure how I am going to fit this into my already hectic Navy life.

For the past few weeks, I have been doing exceptionally well with my runs.  I have increased endurance along with strength.  I average an 8 min 20 second mile on a good day. Well that was my time for my last Navy PFT (Physical Fitness Test).  However, I am sure being surrounded by hundreds of high energy 18 year olds gave me the extra push I needed during that run. I was told I did awesome for my age of 29.  "Awesome for my age?" I thought I want to be awesome for any age!  So here I am challenging myself to increase my speed and endurance.  Reading countless articles on just how to do so.  Didn't know running was so dangerous.  These articles do a great job of scaring you away with its list of possible injuries.  I figure if I practice good form, do some strength training, and buy a pair of great running shoes, I'd be set!

So here is to my new hobby of running!!  Wish me luck!!

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